Take Control of Your Data

Data mining software for LC-MS/MS analysis

CSQUANT® speeds ups the evaluation of data generated by Chromsystems assays – from batch generation through data mining to reporting.

Customers confirm: CSQUANT® can double the speed of complex LC-MS/MS data analysis.

  • Free 30-day trial now avaliable.
  • Bundles when purchasing several add-ons.
  • Integration of customised add-ons possible.
CSQUANT® Software - ChromsystemsCSQUANT® Software - Chromsystems

CSQUANT® simplifies your LC-MS/MS data analysis

Looking for a run that needs more attention? You would like to see how the internal standard performs over time? How did all the quality control samples perform?

The same over and over. Time-consuming and laborious!

Not anymore. CSQUANT® gathers the complete LC-MS/MS data and creates the overviews you really want. It furthermore supports you through a concise flagging system.

CSQuant Workflow - ChromsystemsCSQuant Workflow - Chromsystems

Processing LC-MS/MS data with CSQUANT®.

CSQUANT® in 3 min

Workflow Overview

Batch Builder
Generation of batch files with automated spreading of calibrators and controls

Quality Control Index
At a glance visualisation of how the quality control measurements performed

Quality Control Summary
Overview of performance data of measured calibrator and control samples

Samples Tab
Overview of the patient sample results with flagging for better orientation

Sample Summary
Overview of compounds in every single sample

Automated reports for each sample

Stop searching – start finding!

CSQUANT® evaluates data automatically based on the user-defined criteria shown below for quality controls, calibrators and samples.

Filtering by analyte group or respective flagging further simplifies the navigation and identification of conspicuous data.

The software allows the import of product inserts with the target values from Microsoft Excel with just one click. Additionally, calibrators and controls are automatically identified through their respective order numbers.

The software works with the following assays:
Drugs of Abuse Testing, Amino Acid Analysis (AAA), Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

More are to follow.

CSQuant Samples Lab - ChromsystemsCSQuant Samples Lab - Chromsystems

The Samples Evaluation Criteria

Ion Ratio Quantifier and qualifier ion ratios of samples vs average ion ratio of QCs
Cut-Offs Cut-offs pre-defined for each analyte
Peak Area Internal Standard Measured IS peak area vs average IS peak area
LLOQ Calculated concentration vs pre-defined LLOQ
ULOQ Calculated concentration vs pre-defined ULOQ

The Flagging Legend

Reported concentration is between upper cut-off value and ULOQ
Reported concentration is between LLOQ and lower cut-off value
Reported concentration is higher than ULOQ
  Reported concentration is lower than LLOQ
One or more of the performed checks failed


Compatible LC-MS/MS Software

Sciex Analyst® (version 1.6 or higher / MD version 1.6 or higher)
Sciex Multiquant™ (version 3.0 or higher / MD version 3.0 or higher)
Waters MassLynx™ incl. TargetLynx™ (version 4.2 or higher)

We are continuously working to enhance the compatibility of CSQUANT®.
If your software is not currently listed, please contact our technical support team.

System Requirements

Microsoft Windows 10
Net Framework: 4.5 or higher
512 MB RAM, 1 GHz Processor, 500 MB disk space

Download Brochure

You need all the facts at a glance? Then you are welcome to download our brochure. After you have filled out the following form, the respective link to download your document will be sent to the e-mail address provided.

CSQUANT® Software Brochure - ChromsystemsCSQUANT® Software Brochure - Chromsystems

CSQUANT® is not intended to give the user any information, recommendation or advice on any diagnostic decision on patients. For research use only, not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Our license conditions apply to the acquisition and use of CSQUANT®. For further information visit www.chromsystems.com/csquant-licence