CSQUANT Data Mining SoftwareCSQUANT Data Mining Software

CSQUANT® Data Mining Software

Clinical laboratories performing routine LC-MS/MS are required to evaluate large amounts of data – and the more analytes an assay covers, the more data there is to consider. CSQUANT® helps to simplify and accelerate the evaluation of the data generated by Chromsystems assays – from batch generation through data mining to reporting. 

Fast and easy data evaluation for Chromsystems assays

  • Drugs of Abuse Testing
  • Amino Acid Analysis
  • Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

Bundles when purchasing several add-ons + Integration of customised add-ons

Product Overview

CSQUANT® Base Package

More information on CSQUANT® 

Order No. Product
42999 Base Package including installation, training, instruction manual

CSQUANT® Add-Ons for the following LC-MS/MS Assays

Order No. Product
42996 MassTox® Drugs of Abuse Testing in Urine
42975 MassChrom® Amino Acid Analysis in Plasma/Serum

CSQUANT® Add-Ons for all MassTox® TDM Series A Parameter Sets

Order No. Product
42912 Neuroleptics 1/EXTENDED in Serum/Plasma
42913 Antidepressants 1/EXTENDED in Serum/Plasma
42914 Neuroleptics 2/EXTENDED 2 in Serum/Plasma
42915 Antidepressants 2/Psychostimulants/EXTENDED in Serum/Plasma
42916 Mycophenolic Acid in Serum/Plasma
42917 Benzodiazepines 1 in Serum/Plasma
42918 Benzodiazepines 2 in Serum/Plasma
42919 Tricyclic Antidepressants TCA 1 in Serum/Plasma
42920 Tricyclic Antidepressants TCA 2 in Serum/Plasma
42921 Antiepileptic Drugs All-in-One Method in Serum/Plasma
42922 Antimycotic Drugs/EXTENDED in Serum/Plasma
42923 Antiarrhythmic Drugs in Serum/Plasma
42924 Anti-HIV Drugs in Serum/Plasma


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