Internal Standard Mix

Order No.: 57004/FR
MassChrom® Amino Acids and Acylcarnitines from Dried Blood/Non Derivatised - LC-MS/MS

Lyophilised internal standard amino acids, acylcarnitines

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Content 4 x 50 ml (lyoph.)

Please note: All concentrations shown here are exemplatory. They do not reflect real data for the described products. Actual concentrations depend on the production lot of each product and can exclusively be found in the product information leaflet. Please ask for these product information leaflets or download them from the service site of the Chromsystems website.

Substance Concentration Concentration in sample
(200 µl IS/3.1 µl blood)
Concentration Concentration in sample
(200 µl IS/3.1 µl blood)
in mg/l in mg/l in µmol/l in µmol/l
Alanine-D4 0.60 39 6.43 415
Arginine-D7 0.34 22 1.85 120
Aspartic acid-D3 1.00 64 7.34 474
Citrulline-D2 0.30 20 1.72 111
Glutamic acid-D5 1.10 71 7.22 466
Glycine-13C2, 15N 0.90 58 11.5 743
Leucine-D3 0.86 56 6.42 414
Methionine-D3 0.38 25 2.50 161
Ornithine-D6 0.60 39 4.37 282
Phenylalanine-D5 0.54 35 3.18 205
Proline-D7 0.56 36 4.57 295
Tyrosine-D4 0.91 59 4.90 316
Valine-D8 0.68 44 5.44 351
C0-Carnitine-D9 0.065 4.17 0.380 24.5
C2-Carnitine-D3 0.035 2.24 0.168 10.9
C3-Carnitine-D3 0.010 0.65 0.046 2.94
C4-Carnitine-D3 0.005 0.30 0.020 1.26
C5-Carnitine-D9 0.005 0.34 0.021 1.35
C5DC-Carnitine-D6 0.007 0.45 0.025 1.59
C6-Carnitine-D3 0.006 0.36 0.021 1.35
C8-Carnitine-D3 0.009 0.58 0.031 2.00
C10-Carnitine-D3 0.007 0.45 0.022 1.40
C12-Carnitine-D3 0.008 0.49 0.022 1.41
C14-Carnitine-D3 0.008 0.53 0.022 1.41
C16-Carnitine-D3 0.017 1.12 0.043 2.80
C18-Carnitine-D3 0.022 1.39 0.050 3.25

During the determination of amino acids and acylcarnitines within the scope of newborn screening the internal standard is used as an individual calibrator for each sample, so matrix effects are reduced to a minimum.

The internal standard is added directly to the dried blood spot disk and is prepared and analysed together with the blood sample.


Remove the seal and rubber stopper from the vial. Reconstitute the lyophilised internal standard with exactly 50 ml of extraction buffer (order no. 57008): For this purpose add 5 ml of extraction buffer into the vial. Replace the stopper and allow to sit for 5 to 10 min at room temperature. Swirl the vial to dissolve the contents until homogeneity.

Then transfer the content of the vial into a 50 ml volumetric flask. Wash the vial twice with 5 ml extraction buffer and combine the solutions. Dilute the volumetric flask with extraction buffer to exactly 50 ml and swirl the flask.

Storage conditions

Stored below -18 °C unopened internal standards are stable until the expiry date which is stated on the vial labels. The reconstituted internal standard can be stored up to 3 weeks tightly capped at +2 to +8 °C.

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Lyophilised internal standard amino acids, acylcarnitines

More Information
Content 4 x 50 ml (lyoph.)

Please note: All concentrations shown here are exemplatory. They do not reflect real data for the described products. Actual concentrations depend on the production lot of each product and can exclusively be found in the product information leaflet. Please ask for these product information leaflets or download them from the service site of the Chromsystems website.

Substance Concentration Concentration in sample
(200 µl IS/3.1 µl blood)
Concentration Concentration in sample
(200 µl IS/3.1 µl blood)
in mg/l in mg/l in µmol/l in µmol/l
Alanine-D4 0.60 39 6.43 415
Arginine-D7 0.34 22 1.85 120
Aspartic acid-D3 1.00 64 7.34 474
Citrulline-D2 0.30 20 1.72 111
Glutamic acid-D5 1.10 71 7.22 466
Glycine-13C2, 15N 0.90 58 11.5 743
Leucine-D3 0.86 56 6.42 414
Methionine-D3 0.38 25 2.50 161
Ornithine-D6 0.60 39 4.37 282
Phenylalanine-D5 0.54 35 3.18 205
Proline-D7 0.56 36 4.57 295
Tyrosine-D4 0.91 59 4.90 316
Valine-D8 0.68 44 5.44 351
C0-Carnitine-D9 0.065 4.17 0.380 24.5
C2-Carnitine-D3 0.035 2.24 0.168 10.9
C3-Carnitine-D3 0.010 0.65 0.046 2.94
C4-Carnitine-D3 0.005 0.30 0.020 1.26
C5-Carnitine-D9 0.005 0.34 0.021 1.35
C5DC-Carnitine-D6 0.007 0.45 0.025 1.59
C6-Carnitine-D3 0.006 0.36 0.021 1.35
C8-Carnitine-D3 0.009 0.58 0.031 2.00
C10-Carnitine-D3 0.007 0.45 0.022 1.40
C12-Carnitine-D3 0.008 0.49 0.022 1.41
C14-Carnitine-D3 0.008 0.53 0.022 1.41
C16-Carnitine-D3 0.017 1.12 0.043 2.80
C18-Carnitine-D3 0.022 1.39 0.050 3.25

During the determination of amino acids and acylcarnitines within the scope of newborn screening the internal standard is used as an individual calibrator for each sample, so matrix effects are reduced to a minimum.

The internal standard is added directly to the dried blood spot disk and is prepared and analysed together with the blood sample.


Remove the seal and rubber stopper from the vial. Reconstitute the lyophilised internal standard with exactly 50 ml of extraction buffer (order no. 57008): For this purpose add 5 ml of extraction buffer into the vial. Replace the stopper and allow to sit for 5 to 10 min at room temperature. Swirl the vial to dissolve the contents until homogeneity.

Then transfer the content of the vial into a 50 ml volumetric flask. Wash the vial twice with 5 ml extraction buffer and combine the solutions. Dilute the volumetric flask with extraction buffer to exactly 50 ml and swirl the flask.

Storage conditions

Stored below -18 °C unopened internal standards are stable until the expiry date which is stated on the vial labels. The reconstituted internal standard can be stored up to 3 weeks tightly capped at +2 to +8 °C.

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