MassCheck® Amino Acid Analysis Urine Controls

Order No.: 0474/0475/0476
1-Methylhistidine, 3-Methylhistidine, 4-Hydroxyproline, Acetyltyrosine, Adenosylhomocysteine, Alanine, Allo-Isoleucine, Anserine, Arginine, Argininosuccinic Acid, Asparagine, Aspartic Acid, Carnosine, Citrulline, Cystathionine, Cysteine S-sulfate, Cystine, Ethanolamine, Glutamic Acid, Glutamine, Glycine, Histidine, Homocitrulline, Homocystine, Hydroxylysine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Ornithine, Phenylalanine, Phosphoethanolamine, Phosphoserine, Pipecolic Acid, Proline, Saccharopine, Sarcosine, Serine, Taurine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Valine, α-Aminoadipic Acid, α-Aminobutyric Acid, β-Alanine, β-Aminoisobutyric Acid, γ-Aminobutyric Acid, Kynurenine, Hydroxykynurenine, Oxoproline / Pyroglutamic acid, Phenylacetylglutamine, Creatinine
MassChrom® Amino Acid Analysis in Urine - LC-MS/MS
Grouped product items
Product Name Qty
MassCheck® Amino Acid Analysis Urine Control, Level I
Order No.: 0474
MassCheck® Amino Acid Analysis Urine Control, Level II
Order No.: 0475
MassCheck® Amino Acid Analysis Urine Control, Level III
Order No.: 0476
α-Aminoadipic acid
α-Aminobutyric acid
β-Aminoisobutyric acid
γ-Aminobutyric acid
Argininosuccinic acid
Aspartic acid
Cysteine S-sulfate
Glutamic acid
Oxoproline / Pyroglutamic acid
Pipecolic acid

Creatinine *


* With this assay the creatinine level in urine can be determined within the same run!

MassCheck® Amino Acid Analysis Urine Controls

For MassChrom® Amino Acid Analysis in Urine by LC-MS/MS (75222 and 75222/DWP)

0474 MassCheck® Amino Acid Analysis Urine Control, Level I (lyoph), 5 x 0.5 ml
0475 MassCheck® Amino Acid Analysis Urine Control, Level II (lyoph), 5 x 0.5 ml
0476 MassCheck® Amino Acid Analysis Urine Control, Level III (lyoph), 5 x 0.5 ml

These lyophilised quality controls from Chromsystems are based on urine and should be used according to the instruction manual. They are designed to monitor the accuracy and precision of analytical procedures in clinical diagnostics for the quantitative determination of amino acids in urine. While following the instructions the controls should be handled and measured in the same manner as a patient specimen.

More Information

Please note: All concentrations shown here are exemplatory. They do not reflect real data for the described products. Actual concentrations depend on the production lot of each product and can exclusively be found in the product information leaflet. Please ask for these product information leaflets or download them from the service site of the Chromsystems website.


NEW: An Excel file with the data from the product information leaflet is now available in the "Downloads" section (for registered customers only). This eliminates manual data entry of large data sets.

Control Level I, 0474
Substance Target Value
Target Value
1-Methylhistidine 398 318 - 477 67.3 53.8 - 80.7
α-Aminobutyric acid 97.7 78.2 - 117 10.1 8.06 - 12.1
β-Aminoisobutyric acid 1031 825 - 1238 106 85.1 - 128
3-Methylhistidine 543 434 - 651 91.8 73.5 - 110
4-Hydroxyproline 194 155 - 233 25.4 20.3 - 30.5
Acetyltyrosine 92.9 74.3 - 111 20.7 16.6 - 24.9
Adenosylhomocysteine 94.9 75.9 - 114 36.5 29.2 - 43.8
Alanine 1175 940 - 1410 105 83.7 - 126
Allo-isoleucine 185 148 - 222 24.3 19.4 - 29.1
α-Aminoadipic acid 200 160 - 240 32.2 25.7 - 38.6
Anserine 95.3 76.3 - 114 22.9 18.3 - 27.5
Arginine 197 157 - 236 34.3 27.4 - 41.1
Argininosuccinic acid 194 155 - 233 56.4 45.1 - 67.7
Asparagine 425 340 - 510 56.1 44.9 - 67.4
Aspartic acid 106 85.2 - 128 14.2 11.3 - 17
β-Alanine 199 159 - 239 17.7 14.2 - 21.3
Carnosine 181 145 - 218 41.1 32.8 - 49.3
Citrulline 192 153 - 230 33.6 26.8 - 40.3
Cystathionine 218 175 - 262 48.5 38.8 - 58.2
Cysteine sulphate 326 261 - 391 65.6 52.5 - 78.7
Cystine 201 161 - 241 48.3 38.6 - 57.9
Ethanolamine 1523 1219 - 1828 93.1 74.4 - 112
γ-Aminobutyric acid 195 156 - 234 20.1 16.1 - 24.1
Glutamine 798 639 - 958 117 93.3 - 140
Glutamic acid 198 159 - 238 29.2 23.3 - 35
Glycine 1658 1326 - 1990 124 99.6 - 149
Histidine 1150 920 - 1380 178 143 - 214
Homocitrulline 286 229 - 343 54.1 43.2 - 64.9
Homocystine 126 101 - 151 33.8 27 - 40.5
Hydroxykynurenine 112 89.3 - 134 25 20 - 30
Hydroxylysine 113 90.7 - 136 18.4 14.7 - 22.1
Isoleucine 179 144 - 215 23.5 18.8 - 28.2
Kynurenine 107 85.3 - 128 22.2 17.8 - 26.6
Leucine 187 150 - 225 24.6 19.6 - 29.5
Lysine 407 326 - 488 59.5 47.6 - 71.4
Methionine 210 168 - 252 31.3 25.1 - 37.6
Ornithine 192 154 - 231 25.4 20.3 - 30.5
Oxoproline/Pyroglutamic acid 669 535 - 802 86.3 69.1 - 104
Phenylalanine 193 154 - 231 31.8 25.5 - 38.2
Phenylacetylglutamine 388 311 - 466 103 82.1 - 123
Phosphoethanolamine 196 157 - 236 27.7 22.2 - 33.2
Phosphoserine 149 119.0 - 179.0 27.6 22.1 - 33.1
Pipecolic acid 100 80.3 - 120 13 10.4 - 15.6
Proline 203 163 - 244 23.4 18.7 - 28.1
Saccharopine 87.7 70.2 - 105 24.2 19.4 - 29.1
Sarcosine 103 82.4 - 124 9.17 7.34 - 11
Serine 299 239 - 359 31.4 25.1 - 37.7
Taurine 1051 841 - 1261 131 105 - 158
Threonine 636 509 - 763 75.8 60.6 - 90.9
Tryptophan 198.00 158 - 238 40.40 32.4 - 48.5
Tyrosine 296 237 - 355 53.6 42.9 - 64.3
Valine 204 163 - 245 23.9 19.1 - 28.7
Creatinine 8.37 mmol/L 6.7 mmol/L - 10 mmol/L 947 757 - 1136


Control Level II, 0475
Substance Target Value
Target Value
1-Methylhistidine 1123 899 - 1348 190 152 - 228
α-Aminobutyric acid 286 229 - 343 29.5 23.6 - 35.4
β-Aminoisobutyric acid 3128 2503 - 3754 323 258 - 387
3-Methylhistidine 1583 1266 - 1900 268 214 - 321
4-Hydroxyproline 566 453 - 679 74.2 59.4 - 89
Acetyltyrosine 272 218 - 327 60.7 48.6 - 72.9
Adenosylhomocysteine 270 216 - 324 104 83 - 125
Alanine 3480 2784 - 4176 310 248 - 372
Allo-isoleucine 526 421 - 631 69 55.2 - 82.7
α-Aminoadipic acid 572 458 - 687 92.2 73.8 - 111
Anserine 265 212 - 318 63.8 51 - 76.5
Arginine 574 460 - 689 100 80.1 - 120
Argininosuccinic acid 578 463 - 694 168 134 - 201
Asparagine 1246 997 - 1496 165 132 - 198
Aspartic acid 288 230 - 345 38.3 30.6 - 45.9
β-Alanine 593 474 - 711 52.8 42.2 - 63.4
Carnosine 525 420 - 631 119 95.1 - 143
Citrulline 558 446 - 669 97.7 78.2 - 117
Cystathionine 625 500 - 750 139 111 - 167
Cysteine sulphate 938 750 - 1125 189 151 - 226
Cystine 491 393 - 590 118 94.4 - 142
Ethanolamine 4470 3576 - 5364 273 218 - 328
γ-Aminobutyric acid 576 461 - 692 59.4 47.5 - 71.3
Glutamine 2308 1846 - 2769 337 270 - 405
Glutamic acid 579 463 - 695 85.2 68.1 - 102
Glycine 4594 3675 - 5513 345 276 - 414
Histidine 3334 2667 - 4000 517 414 - 621
Homocitrulline 815 652 - 978 154 123 - 185
Homocystine 344 275 - 413 92.4 73.9 - 111
Hydroxykynurenine 301 241 - 361 67.5 54 - 81
Hydroxylysine 319 255 - 382 51.7 41.3 - 62
Isoleucine 519 415 - 623 68.1 54.5 - 81.7
Kynurenine 296 237 - 355 61.7 49.3 - 74
Leucine 549 439 - 659 72 57.6 - 86.5
Lysine 1156 925 - 1388 169 135 - 203
Methionine 565 452 - 678 84.3 67.4 - 101
Ornithine 553 443 - 664 73.1 58.5 - 87.8
Oxoproline/Pyroglutamic acid 1876 1501 - 2251 242 194 - 291
Phenylalanine 556 445 - 667 91.9 73.5 - 110
Phenylacetylglutamine 1137 910 - 1365 301 240 - 361
Phosphoethanolamine 546 436 - 655 77 61.6 - 92.4
Phosphoserine 428 342 - 513 79.1 63.3 - 95
Pipecolic acid 282 225 - 338 36.4 29.1 - 43.7
Proline 578 462 - 693 66.5 53.2 - 79.8
Saccharopine 249 199 - 299 68.8 55.1 - 82.6
Sarcosine 291 233 - 350 26 20.8 - 31.2
Serine 845 676 - 1014 88.8 71 - 107
Taurine 3031 2425 - 3638 379 303 - 455
Threonine 1872 1498 - 2247 223 178 - 268
Tryptophan 545 436 - 654 111 89.1 - 134
Tyrosine 834 667 - 1001 151 121 - 181
Valine 570 456 - 684 66.8 53.4 - 80.2
Creatinine 22.8 mmol/L 18.3 mmol/L - 27.4 mmol/L 2582 2065 - 3098


Control Level III, 0476
Substance Target Value
Target Value
1-Methylhistidine 1485 1188 - 1782 251 201 - 302
α-Aminobutyric acid 379 303 - 455 39.1 31.3 - 46.9
β-Aminoisobutyric acid 4172 3338 - 5007 430 344 - 516
3-Methylhistidine 2082 1666 - 2499 352 282 - 423
4-Hydroxyproline 745 596 - 894 97.7 78.2 - 117
Acetyltyrosine 362 289 - 434 80.7 64.6 - 96.9
Adenosylhomocysteine 355 284 - 426 136 109 - 164
Alanine 4646 3717 - 5575 414 331 - 497
Allo-isoleucine 683 547 - 820 89.6 71.7 - 108
α-Aminoadipic acid 753 603 - 904 121 97.1 - 146
Anserine 350 280 - 420 84.1 67.3 - 101
Arginine 757 606 - 909 132 106 - 158
Argininosuccinic acid 757 606 - 909 220 176 - 264
Asparagine 1634 1308 - 1961 216 173 - 259
Aspartic acid 377 302 - 452 50.2 40.1 - 60.2
β-Alanine 796 637 - 956 70.9 56.8 - 85.1
Carnosine 686 549 - 823 155 124 - 186
Citrulline 732 585 - 878 128 103 - 154
Cystathionine 807 645 - 968 179 143 - 215
Cysteine sulphate 1237 990 - 1485 249 199 - 299
Cystine 626 501 - 751 150 120 - 180
Ethanolamine 5873 4699 - 7048 359 287 - 430
γ-Aminobutyric acid 762 609 - 914 78.5 62.8 - 94.3
Glutamine 3021 2417 - 3625 441 353 - 530
Glutamic acid 768 614 - 921 113 90.4 - 136
Glycine 6045 4836 - 7254 454 363 - 545
Histidine 4380 3504 - 5256 680 544 - 816
Homocitrulline 1058 846 - 1270 200 160 - 240
Homocystine 447 357 - 536 120 95.9 - 144
Hydroxykynurenine 384 307 - 460 86 68.8 - 103
Hydroxylysine 417 334 - 500 67.6 54.1 - 81.2
Isoleucine 682 545 - 818 89.4 71.5 - 107
Kynurenine 384 307 - 461 79.9 63.9 - 95.9
Leucine 728 582 - 874 95.5 76.4 - 115
Lysine 1506 1204 - 1807 220 176 - 264
Methionine 729 583 - 875 109 87 - 130
Ornithine 728 583 - 874 96.3 77 - 116
Oxoproline/Pyroglutamic acid 2513 2011 - 3016 324 260 - 389
Phenylalanine 737 589 - 884 122 97.4 - 146
Phenylacetylglutamine 1488 1190 - 1785 393 315 - 472
Phosphoethanolamine 714 571 - 857 101 80.6 - 121
Phosphoserine 565 452 - 678 105 83.7 - 125
Pipecolic acid 371 297 - 445 47.9 38.3 - 57.5
Proline 764 611 - 917 87.9 70.4 - 106
Saccharopine 322 258 - 386 88.9 71.1 - 107
Sarcosine 383 307 - 460 34.2 27.3 - 41
Serine 1115 892 - 1338 117 93.7 - 141
Taurine 3999 3199 - 4798 500 400 - 601
Threonine 2479 1984 - 2975 295 236 - 354
Tryptophan 709 567 - 851 145 116 - 174
Tyrosine 1104 883 - 1325 200 160 - 240
Valine 746 597 - 896 87.4 70 - 105
Creatinine 29.9 mmol/L 23.9 mmol/L - 35.8 mmol/L 3379 2703 - 4054
Method of Analysis LC-MS/MS
Parameters 1-Methylhistidine, 3-Methylhistidine, 4-Hydroxyproline, Acetyltyrosine, Adenosylhomocysteine, Alanine, Allo-Isoleucine, Anserine, Arginine, Argininosuccinic Acid, Asparagine, Aspartic Acid, Carnosine, Citrulline, Cystathionine, Cysteine S-sulfate, Cystine, Ethanolamine, Glutamic Acid, Glutamine, Glycine, Histidine, Homocitrulline, Homocystine, Hydroxylysine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Ornithine, Phenylalanine, Phosphoethanolamine, Phosphoserine, Pipecolic Acid, Proline, Saccharopine, Sarcosine, Serine, Taurine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Valine, α-Aminoadipic Acid, α-Aminobutyric Acid, β-Alanine, β-Aminoisobutyric Acid, γ-Aminobutyric Acid, Kynurenine, Hydroxykynurenine, Oxoproline / Pyroglutamic acid, Phenylacetylglutamine, Creatinine
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α-Aminoadipic acid
α-Aminobutyric acid
β-Aminoisobutyric acid
γ-Aminobutyric acid
Argininosuccinic acid
Aspartic acid
Cysteine S-sulfate
Glutamic acid
Oxoproline / Pyroglutamic acid
Pipecolic acid

Creatinine *


* With this assay the creatinine level in urine can be determined within the same run!

MassCheck® Amino Acid Analysis Urine Controls

For MassChrom® Amino Acid Analysis in Urine by LC-MS/MS (75222 and 75222/DWP)

0474 MassCheck® Amino Acid Analysis Urine Control, Level I (lyoph), 5 x 0.5 ml
0475 MassCheck® Amino Acid Analysis Urine Control, Level II (lyoph), 5 x 0.5 ml
0476 MassCheck® Amino Acid Analysis Urine Control, Level III (lyoph), 5 x 0.5 ml

These lyophilised quality controls from Chromsystems are based on urine and should be used according to the instruction manual. They are designed to monitor the accuracy and precision of analytical procedures in clinical diagnostics for the quantitative determination of amino acids in urine. While following the instructions the controls should be handled and measured in the same manner as a patient specimen.

More Information

Please note: All concentrations shown here are exemplatory. They do not reflect real data for the described products. Actual concentrations depend on the production lot of each product and can exclusively be found in the product information leaflet. Please ask for these product information leaflets or download them from the service site of the Chromsystems website.


NEW: An Excel file with the data from the product information leaflet is now available in the "Downloads" section (for registered customers only). This eliminates manual data entry of large data sets.

Control Level I, 0474
Substance Target Value
Target Value
1-Methylhistidine 398 318 - 477 67.3 53.8 - 80.7
α-Aminobutyric acid 97.7 78.2 - 117 10.1 8.06 - 12.1
β-Aminoisobutyric acid 1031 825 - 1238 106 85.1 - 128
3-Methylhistidine 543 434 - 651 91.8 73.5 - 110
4-Hydroxyproline 194 155 - 233 25.4 20.3 - 30.5
Acetyltyrosine 92.9 74.3 - 111 20.7 16.6 - 24.9
Adenosylhomocysteine 94.9 75.9 - 114 36.5 29.2 - 43.8
Alanine 1175 940 - 1410 105 83.7 - 126
Allo-isoleucine 185 148 - 222 24.3 19.4 - 29.1
α-Aminoadipic acid 200 160 - 240 32.2 25.7 - 38.6
Anserine 95.3 76.3 - 114 22.9 18.3 - 27.5
Arginine 197 157 - 236 34.3 27.4 - 41.1
Argininosuccinic acid 194 155 - 233 56.4 45.1 - 67.7
Asparagine 425 340 - 510 56.1 44.9 - 67.4
Aspartic acid 106 85.2 - 128 14.2 11.3 - 17
β-Alanine 199 159 - 239 17.7 14.2 - 21.3
Carnosine 181 145 - 218 41.1 32.8 - 49.3
Citrulline 192 153 - 230 33.6 26.8 - 40.3
Cystathionine 218 175 - 262 48.5 38.8 - 58.2
Cysteine sulphate 326 261 - 391 65.6 52.5 - 78.7
Cystine 201 161 - 241 48.3 38.6 - 57.9
Ethanolamine 1523 1219 - 1828 93.1 74.4 - 112
γ-Aminobutyric acid 195 156 - 234 20.1 16.1 - 24.1
Glutamine 798 639 - 958 117 93.3 - 140
Glutamic acid 198 159 - 238 29.2 23.3 - 35
Glycine 1658 1326 - 1990 124 99.6 - 149
Histidine 1150 920 - 1380 178 143 - 214
Homocitrulline 286 229 - 343 54.1 43.2 - 64.9
Homocystine 126 101 - 151 33.8 27 - 40.5
Hydroxykynurenine 112 89.3 - 134 25 20 - 30
Hydroxylysine 113 90.7 - 136 18.4 14.7 - 22.1
Isoleucine 179 144 - 215 23.5 18.8 - 28.2
Kynurenine 107 85.3 - 128 22.2 17.8 - 26.6
Leucine 187 150 - 225 24.6 19.6 - 29.5
Lysine 407 326 - 488 59.5 47.6 - 71.4
Methionine 210 168 - 252 31.3 25.1 - 37.6
Ornithine 192 154 - 231 25.4 20.3 - 30.5
Oxoproline/Pyroglutamic acid 669 535 - 802 86.3 69.1 - 104
Phenylalanine 193 154 - 231 31.8 25.5 - 38.2
Phenylacetylglutamine 388 311 - 466 103 82.1 - 123
Phosphoethanolamine 196 157 - 236 27.7 22.2 - 33.2
Phosphoserine 149 119.0 - 179.0 27.6 22.1 - 33.1
Pipecolic acid 100 80.3 - 120 13 10.4 - 15.6
Proline 203 163 - 244 23.4 18.7 - 28.1
Saccharopine 87.7 70.2 - 105 24.2 19.4 - 29.1
Sarcosine 103 82.4 - 124 9.17 7.34 - 11
Serine 299 239 - 359 31.4 25.1 - 37.7
Taurine 1051 841 - 1261 131 105 - 158
Threonine 636 509 - 763 75.8 60.6 - 90.9
Tryptophan 198.00 158 - 238 40.40 32.4 - 48.5
Tyrosine 296 237 - 355 53.6 42.9 - 64.3
Valine 204 163 - 245 23.9 19.1 - 28.7
Creatinine 8.37 mmol/L 6.7 mmol/L - 10 mmol/L 947 757 - 1136


Control Level II, 0475
Substance Target Value
Target Value
1-Methylhistidine 1123 899 - 1348 190 152 - 228
α-Aminobutyric acid 286 229 - 343 29.5 23.6 - 35.4
β-Aminoisobutyric acid 3128 2503 - 3754 323 258 - 387
3-Methylhistidine 1583 1266 - 1900 268 214 - 321
4-Hydroxyproline 566 453 - 679 74.2 59.4 - 89
Acetyltyrosine 272 218 - 327 60.7 48.6 - 72.9
Adenosylhomocysteine 270 216 - 324 104 83 - 125
Alanine 3480 2784 - 4176 310 248 - 372
Allo-isoleucine 526 421 - 631 69 55.2 - 82.7
α-Aminoadipic acid 572 458 - 687 92.2 73.8 - 111
Anserine 265 212 - 318 63.8 51 - 76.5
Arginine 574 460 - 689 100 80.1 - 120
Argininosuccinic acid 578 463 - 694 168 134 - 201
Asparagine 1246 997 - 1496 165 132 - 198
Aspartic acid 288 230 - 345 38.3 30.6 - 45.9
β-Alanine 593 474 - 711 52.8 42.2 - 63.4
Carnosine 525 420 - 631 119 95.1 - 143
Citrulline 558 446 - 669 97.7 78.2 - 117
Cystathionine 625 500 - 750 139 111 - 167
Cysteine sulphate 938 750 - 1125 189 151 - 226
Cystine 491 393 - 590 118 94.4 - 142
Ethanolamine 4470 3576 - 5364 273 218 - 328
γ-Aminobutyric acid 576 461 - 692 59.4 47.5 - 71.3
Glutamine 2308 1846 - 2769 337 270 - 405
Glutamic acid 579 463 - 695 85.2 68.1 - 102
Glycine 4594 3675 - 5513 345 276 - 414
Histidine 3334 2667 - 4000 517 414 - 621
Homocitrulline 815 652 - 978 154 123 - 185
Homocystine 344 275 - 413 92.4 73.9 - 111
Hydroxykynurenine 301 241 - 361 67.5 54 - 81
Hydroxylysine 319 255 - 382 51.7 41.3 - 62
Isoleucine 519 415 - 623 68.1 54.5 - 81.7
Kynurenine 296 237 - 355 61.7 49.3 - 74
Leucine 549 439 - 659 72 57.6 - 86.5
Lysine 1156 925 - 1388 169 135 - 203
Methionine 565 452 - 678 84.3 67.4 - 101
Ornithine 553 443 - 664 73.1 58.5 - 87.8
Oxoproline/Pyroglutamic acid 1876 1501 - 2251 242 194 - 291
Phenylalanine 556 445 - 667 91.9 73.5 - 110
Phenylacetylglutamine 1137 910 - 1365 301 240 - 361
Phosphoethanolamine 546 436 - 655 77 61.6 - 92.4
Phosphoserine 428 342 - 513 79.1 63.3 - 95
Pipecolic acid 282 225 - 338 36.4 29.1 - 43.7
Proline 578 462 - 693 66.5 53.2 - 79.8
Saccharopine 249 199 - 299 68.8 55.1 - 82.6
Sarcosine 291 233 - 350 26 20.8 - 31.2
Serine 845 676 - 1014 88.8 71 - 107
Taurine 3031 2425 - 3638 379 303 - 455
Threonine 1872 1498 - 2247 223 178 - 268
Tryptophan 545 436 - 654 111 89.1 - 134
Tyrosine 834 667 - 1001 151 121 - 181
Valine 570 456 - 684 66.8 53.4 - 80.2
Creatinine 22.8 mmol/L 18.3 mmol/L - 27.4 mmol/L 2582 2065 - 3098


Control Level III, 0476
Substance Target Value
Target Value
1-Methylhistidine 1485 1188 - 1782 251 201 - 302
α-Aminobutyric acid 379 303 - 455 39.1 31.3 - 46.9
β-Aminoisobutyric acid 4172 3338 - 5007 430 344 - 516
3-Methylhistidine 2082 1666 - 2499 352 282 - 423
4-Hydroxyproline 745 596 - 894 97.7 78.2 - 117
Acetyltyrosine 362 289 - 434 80.7 64.6 - 96.9
Adenosylhomocysteine 355 284 - 426 136 109 - 164
Alanine 4646 3717 - 5575 414 331 - 497
Allo-isoleucine 683 547 - 820 89.6 71.7 - 108
α-Aminoadipic acid 753 603 - 904 121 97.1 - 146
Anserine 350 280 - 420 84.1 67.3 - 101
Arginine 757 606 - 909 132 106 - 158
Argininosuccinic acid 757 606 - 909 220 176 - 264
Asparagine 1634 1308 - 1961 216 173 - 259
Aspartic acid 377 302 - 452 50.2 40.1 - 60.2
β-Alanine 796 637 - 956 70.9 56.8 - 85.1
Carnosine 686 549 - 823 155 124 - 186
Citrulline 732 585 - 878 128 103 - 154
Cystathionine 807 645 - 968 179 143 - 215
Cysteine sulphate 1237 990 - 1485 249 199 - 299
Cystine 626 501 - 751 150 120 - 180
Ethanolamine 5873 4699 - 7048 359 287 - 430
γ-Aminobutyric acid 762 609 - 914 78.5 62.8 - 94.3
Glutamine 3021 2417 - 3625 441 353 - 530
Glutamic acid 768 614 - 921 113 90.4 - 136
Glycine 6045 4836 - 7254 454 363 - 545
Histidine 4380 3504 - 5256 680 544 - 816
Homocitrulline 1058 846 - 1270 200 160 - 240
Homocystine 447 357 - 536 120 95.9 - 144
Hydroxykynurenine 384 307 - 460 86 68.8 - 103
Hydroxylysine 417 334 - 500 67.6 54.1 - 81.2
Isoleucine 682 545 - 818 89.4 71.5 - 107
Kynurenine 384 307 - 461 79.9 63.9 - 95.9
Leucine 728 582 - 874 95.5 76.4 - 115
Lysine 1506 1204 - 1807 220 176 - 264
Methionine 729 583 - 875 109 87 - 130
Ornithine 728 583 - 874 96.3 77 - 116
Oxoproline/Pyroglutamic acid 2513 2011 - 3016 324 260 - 389
Phenylalanine 737 589 - 884 122 97.4 - 146
Phenylacetylglutamine 1488 1190 - 1785 393 315 - 472
Phosphoethanolamine 714 571 - 857 101 80.6 - 121
Phosphoserine 565 452 - 678 105 83.7 - 125
Pipecolic acid 371 297 - 445 47.9 38.3 - 57.5
Proline 764 611 - 917 87.9 70.4 - 106
Saccharopine 322 258 - 386 88.9 71.1 - 107
Sarcosine 383 307 - 460 34.2 27.3 - 41
Serine 1115 892 - 1338 117 93.7 - 141
Taurine 3999 3199 - 4798 500 400 - 601
Threonine 2479 1984 - 2975 295 236 - 354
Tryptophan 709 567 - 851 145 116 - 174
Tyrosine 1104 883 - 1325 200 160 - 240
Valine 746 597 - 896 87.4 70 - 105
Creatinine 29.9 mmol/L 23.9 mmol/L - 35.8 mmol/L 3379 2703 - 4054
Method of Analysis LC-MS/MS
Parameters 1-Methylhistidine, 3-Methylhistidine, 4-Hydroxyproline, Acetyltyrosine, Adenosylhomocysteine, Alanine, Allo-Isoleucine, Anserine, Arginine, Argininosuccinic Acid, Asparagine, Aspartic Acid, Carnosine, Citrulline, Cystathionine, Cysteine S-sulfate, Cystine, Ethanolamine, Glutamic Acid, Glutamine, Glycine, Histidine, Homocitrulline, Homocystine, Hydroxylysine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Ornithine, Phenylalanine, Phosphoethanolamine, Phosphoserine, Pipecolic Acid, Proline, Saccharopine, Sarcosine, Serine, Taurine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Valine, α-Aminoadipic Acid, α-Aminobutyric Acid, β-Alanine, β-Aminoisobutyric Acid, γ-Aminobutyric Acid, Kynurenine, Hydroxykynurenine, Oxoproline / Pyroglutamic acid, Phenylacetylglutamine, Creatinine
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