MassChrom® Amino Acids and Acylcarnitines from Dried Blood - LC-MS/MS

Order No.: 55000, for 960 tests
Acylcarnitines & free Carnitine, Amino Acids

Sample prep with derivatisation of the analytes
With 96 well plates

CE-IVD validated product ready for IVDR within timeframes and transition periods specified by the IVDR 2017/746

Amino Acids and Succinylacetone Acylcarnitines and free Carnitine
Alanine Free Carnitine
Arginine C2-Carnitine
Aspartic acid C3-Carnitine
Citrulline C4-Carnitine
Glutamic acid C5-Carnitine
Glycine C5DC-Carnitine
Leucine C6-Carnitine
Methionine C8-Carnitine
Ornithine C10-Carnitine
Phenylalanine C12-Carnitine
Proline C14-Carnitine
Tyrosine C16-Carnitine
Valine C18-Carnitine
Succinylacetone (included in the Upgrade Set 55111)  

Clinical relevance

Newborn screening aims to detect congenital metabolic disorders early on before they can cause harm to the organism. Included in these diseases are defects of amino acid metabolism such as phenylketonuria (PKU) and maple syrup urine disease (MSUD), defects of fatty acid metabolism and organic acidurias.

Mass spectrometry is the method of choice for diagnostic testing: it enables to check for a broad range of metabolic defects in a single run. An HPLC column is not required due to the high selectivity of tandem mass spectrometry.


Product advantages

  • Simple SUAC determination with upgrade set
  • Screening for many metabolic disorders in a single run such as PKU (Phenylketonuria), MSUD (Maple Syrup Urine Disease) and tyrosinemia type I
  • Each analyte safeguarded by its own internal standard


Assay characteristics

This Chromsystems assay allows the fast determination of amino acids and acylcarnitines from dried blood spot samples as part of the newborn screening for amino acid and fatty acid metabolic disorders using tandem mass spectrometry. Sample preparation is based on effective extraction of the analytes from the blood spot with subsequent derivatisation.

Detailed performance evaluation data for this assay can be found in Appendix III of the instruction manual.


For the analysis of succinylacetone an upgrade set is available (order no. 55111).

Here's an overview of all our newborn screening assays.

More Information
Method of Analysis FIA-MS/MS
Number of Tests 960
Please note The information listed here, including the sample preparation, is not sufficient for using the product. Please read the information provided in the instruction manual, which includes detailed information on limitations associated with the use of the product in line with its intended purpose. Detailed performance evaluation data for this assay can be found in Appendix III of the instruction manual.
Lower and Upper Limit of Quantitation

Amino acids: 2-15.6 µmol/l
Free Carnitine: 1.6 µmol/l
Acylcarnitines: 0.1-1.6 µmol/l

SUAC: 0.5 µmol/l (only with upgrade set)

Amino acids: 2000-2400 µmol/l
Free Carnitine: 200 µmol/l
Acylcarnitines: 12.5-200 µmol/l

SUAC: 250 µmol/l (only with upgrade set)

For the values of all analytes in detail please refer to the instruction manual.

Different systems might show different performance data.

Specimen Dried blood
Sample Preparation

The information on the sample preparation presented here is not sufficient for use in the laboratory. For a detailed step by step description, please refer to the instruction manual.

  • Punch out 3.2 mm blood spots from the filter cards into a 96 Well Plate.
  • Add 200 μl Internal Standard and agitate for 20 min.
  • Transfer supernatant into a new 96 Well Plate (or with 55000/F centrifuge for 2 min).
  • Evaporate supernatant.
  • Add 60 μl Derivatisation Reagent and incubate for 15 min at 60 °C.
  • Evaporate to dryness.
  • Add 100 μl Reconstitution Buffer and agitate for 1 min.
  • Inject 10 μl into the LC-MS/MS system.


In the sample preparation for the analysis of succinylacetone the following additional steps have to be performed before derivatisation: add Internal Standard, agitate 30 min, combine supernatants.
For details please refer to the instruction manual.

Run Time < 2 min
Injection Volume 10 µl
Flow Rate 20–600 µl/min
MS/MS Mode Amino acids: MRM / Neutral Loss Scan of 102 (m/z); Acylcarnitines: Parent Ion Scan of 85 (m/z)
Additional Info

No HPLC column is required.


Mass transitions of analytes and internal standards

Amino acids Neutral Loss Scan 102
Alanine 146 > 44
Alanine-D4 150 > 48
Aspartic acid 246 > 144
Aspartic acid-D3 249 > 147
Glutamic acid 260 > 158
Glutamic acid-D5 265 > 163
Leucine 188 > 86
Leucine-D3 191 > 89
Methionine 206 > 104
Methionine-D3 209 > 107
Phenylalanine 222 > 120
Phenylalanine-D5 227 > 125
Tyrosine 238 > 136
Tyrosine-D4 242 > 140
Valine 174 > 72
Valine-D8 182 > 80
Amino acids and SUAC MRM
Arginine 231 > 70
Arginine-D7 238 > 77
Citrulline 232 > 113
Citrulline-D2 234 > 115
Glycine 132 > 76
Glycine-13C2-15N 135 > 79
Ornithine 189 > 70
Ornithine-D6 195 > 76
Proline 172 > 116
Proline-D7 179 > 123
SUAC 211 > 109
SUAC-13C5 216 > 114
Acylcarnitines and free carnitine Parent Ion Scan 85
Carnitine 218 > 85
Carnitine-D9 227 > 85
C2-Carnitine 260 > 85
C2-Carnitine-D3 263 > 85
C3-Carnitine 274 > 85
C3-Carnitine-D3 277 > 85
C4-Carnitine 288 > 85
C4-Carnitine-D3 291 > 85
C5-Carnitine 302 > 85
C5-Carnitine-D9 311 > 85
C5DC-Carnitine 388 > 85
C5DC-Carnitine-D6 394 > 85
C6-Carnitine 316 > 85
C6-Carnitine-D3 319 > 85
C8-Carnitine 344 > 85
C8-Carnitine-D3 347 > 85
C10-Carnitine 372 > 85
C10-Carnitine-D3 375 > 85
C12-Carnitine 400 > 85
C12-Carnitine-D3 403 > 85
C14-Carnitine 428 > 85
C14-Carnitine-D3 431 > 85
C16-Carnitine 456 > 85
C16-Carnitine-D3 459 > 85
C18-Carnitine 484 > 85
C18-Carnitine-D3 487 > 85
Parameters Acylcarnitines & free Carnitine, Amino Acids
The following components are included in the kit:
The following products are not included in the kit but are required for the application of the method:
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Amino Acids and Succinylacetone Acylcarnitines and free Carnitine
Alanine Free Carnitine
Arginine C2-Carnitine
Aspartic acid C3-Carnitine
Citrulline C4-Carnitine
Glutamic acid C5-Carnitine
Glycine C5DC-Carnitine
Leucine C6-Carnitine
Methionine C8-Carnitine
Ornithine C10-Carnitine
Phenylalanine C12-Carnitine
Proline C14-Carnitine
Tyrosine C16-Carnitine
Valine C18-Carnitine
Succinylacetone (included in the Upgrade Set 55111)  

Clinical relevance

Newborn screening aims to detect congenital metabolic disorders early on before they can cause harm to the organism. Included in these diseases are defects of amino acid metabolism such as phenylketonuria (PKU) and maple syrup urine disease (MSUD), defects of fatty acid metabolism and organic acidurias.

Mass spectrometry is the method of choice for diagnostic testing: it enables to check for a broad range of metabolic defects in a single run. An HPLC column is not required due to the high selectivity of tandem mass spectrometry.


Product advantages

  • Simple SUAC determination with upgrade set
  • Screening for many metabolic disorders in a single run such as PKU (Phenylketonuria), MSUD (Maple Syrup Urine Disease) and tyrosinemia type I
  • Each analyte safeguarded by its own internal standard


Assay characteristics

This Chromsystems assay allows the fast determination of amino acids and acylcarnitines from dried blood spot samples as part of the newborn screening for amino acid and fatty acid metabolic disorders using tandem mass spectrometry. Sample preparation is based on effective extraction of the analytes from the blood spot with subsequent derivatisation.

Detailed performance evaluation data for this assay can be found in Appendix III of the instruction manual.


For the analysis of succinylacetone an upgrade set is available (order no. 55111).

Here's an overview of all our newborn screening assays.

More Information
Method of Analysis FIA-MS/MS
Number of Tests 960
Please note The information listed here, including the sample preparation, is not sufficient for using the product. Please read the information provided in the instruction manual, which includes detailed information on limitations associated with the use of the product in line with its intended purpose. Detailed performance evaluation data for this assay can be found in Appendix III of the instruction manual.
Lower and Upper Limit of Quantitation

Amino acids: 2-15.6 µmol/l
Free Carnitine: 1.6 µmol/l
Acylcarnitines: 0.1-1.6 µmol/l

SUAC: 0.5 µmol/l (only with upgrade set)

Amino acids: 2000-2400 µmol/l
Free Carnitine: 200 µmol/l
Acylcarnitines: 12.5-200 µmol/l

SUAC: 250 µmol/l (only with upgrade set)

For the values of all analytes in detail please refer to the instruction manual.

Different systems might show different performance data.

Specimen Dried blood
Sample Preparation

The information on the sample preparation presented here is not sufficient for use in the laboratory. For a detailed step by step description, please refer to the instruction manual.

  • Punch out 3.2 mm blood spots from the filter cards into a 96 Well Plate.
  • Add 200 μl Internal Standard and agitate for 20 min.
  • Transfer supernatant into a new 96 Well Plate (or with 55000/F centrifuge for 2 min).
  • Evaporate supernatant.
  • Add 60 μl Derivatisation Reagent and incubate for 15 min at 60 °C.
  • Evaporate to dryness.
  • Add 100 μl Reconstitution Buffer and agitate for 1 min.
  • Inject 10 μl into the LC-MS/MS system.


In the sample preparation for the analysis of succinylacetone the following additional steps have to be performed before derivatisation: add Internal Standard, agitate 30 min, combine supernatants.
For details please refer to the instruction manual.

Run Time < 2 min
Injection Volume 10 µl
Flow Rate 20–600 µl/min
MS/MS Mode Amino acids: MRM / Neutral Loss Scan of 102 (m/z); Acylcarnitines: Parent Ion Scan of 85 (m/z)
Additional Info

No HPLC column is required.


Mass transitions of analytes and internal standards

Amino acids Neutral Loss Scan 102
Alanine 146 > 44
Alanine-D4 150 > 48
Aspartic acid 246 > 144
Aspartic acid-D3 249 > 147
Glutamic acid 260 > 158
Glutamic acid-D5 265 > 163
Leucine 188 > 86
Leucine-D3 191 > 89
Methionine 206 > 104
Methionine-D3 209 > 107
Phenylalanine 222 > 120
Phenylalanine-D5 227 > 125
Tyrosine 238 > 136
Tyrosine-D4 242 > 140
Valine 174 > 72
Valine-D8 182 > 80
Amino acids and SUAC MRM
Arginine 231 > 70
Arginine-D7 238 > 77
Citrulline 232 > 113
Citrulline-D2 234 > 115
Glycine 132 > 76
Glycine-13C2-15N 135 > 79
Ornithine 189 > 70
Ornithine-D6 195 > 76
Proline 172 > 116
Proline-D7 179 > 123
SUAC 211 > 109
SUAC-13C5 216 > 114
Acylcarnitines and free carnitine Parent Ion Scan 85
Carnitine 218 > 85
Carnitine-D9 227 > 85
C2-Carnitine 260 > 85
C2-Carnitine-D3 263 > 85
C3-Carnitine 274 > 85
C3-Carnitine-D3 277 > 85
C4-Carnitine 288 > 85
C4-Carnitine-D3 291 > 85
C5-Carnitine 302 > 85
C5-Carnitine-D9 311 > 85
C5DC-Carnitine 388 > 85
C5DC-Carnitine-D6 394 > 85
C6-Carnitine 316 > 85
C6-Carnitine-D3 319 > 85
C8-Carnitine 344 > 85
C8-Carnitine-D3 347 > 85
C10-Carnitine 372 > 85
C10-Carnitine-D3 375 > 85
C12-Carnitine 400 > 85
C12-Carnitine-D3 403 > 85
C14-Carnitine 428 > 85
C14-Carnitine-D3 431 > 85
C16-Carnitine 456 > 85
C16-Carnitine-D3 459 > 85
C18-Carnitine 484 > 85
C18-Carnitine-D3 487 > 85
Parameters Acylcarnitines & free Carnitine, Amino Acids
The following components are included in the kit:
The following products are not included in the kit but are required for the application of the method:
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